Flowering dogwood, Cornus florida, is endemic to eastern North America and northern Mexico. An endemic population once ranged from southern Maine to Florida and west to the Mississippi.

Dogwood Tree

This multi-stemmed tree is growing more popular because to its year-round attractiveness. Curling leaves, peeling bark, and fragrant white blooms with scarlet bracts.

Seven-Son Flower

This tree boasts airy, smoke-like seeds and crimson, orange-turning foliage. It stays green all season.

Smoke Tree

Early spring brings delicate pink or purple flowers to this local charmer. The heart-shaped leaves are reddish or golden.

Redbud Tree

Pretty foliage, intriguing bark, and graceful arching limbs define these trees. The foliage is green to crimson.

Japanese Maple

Malus is a genus comprising 30–55 deciduous trees or shrubs in the Rosaceae family, including the domesticated orchard apple.

Crabapple Tree

This tiny shrub has beautiful white flowers that turn purple in October. Make jam or feed wildlife. It's a good screening tree.


This Southern star has black bark, glossy foliage, and bright fall hues. Its pretty blossoms are white to pink.

Crepe Myrtle

Japanese Stewartia boasts camellia-like summer blossoms and orangey-red fall colour. Slow-growing but beautiful tree.

Japanese Stewartia

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