9 Tips To Make Veggies TASTE BETTER!

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1) Buy seasonally

The most crucial step is to get the appropriate vegetables, which means purchasing whatever fresh produce is in season. In-season vegetables are more healthful and flavorful.

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2) Roast, grill, or sauté them

There are better methods than steaming and boiling vegetables. Roasting makes vegetables caramelized, delicious, and crispy. The grill smokes.

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3) Top with fresh herbs

When you're ready to eat, chop up some cilantro, basil, dill, or mint and sprinkle it over your raw or cooked vegetables for a burst of flavor and aroma.

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4) Season with spices & seasonings

No matter what you're cooking or how you're cooking it, salt and pepper are essential, but any form of spice can be used to enhance the flavor.

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5) Blanch the veggies

Blanching is easy—submerge your vegetables in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then ice cold water to stop the cooking. Blanching removes bitterness, prevents sogginess.

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6) Try to not overcook them

When fresh vegetables is overcooked, it turns mushy, stringy, and extremely soggy. Keep an eye on your vegetables as they cook and inspect them frequently.

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7) Serve them with dip

Instead of ranch, try other dips. Any of these (and more) can be drizzled over roasted or grilled veggies.

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8) Stuff them

Stuff veggies to make them the dish's hero. You can fill eggplants, zucchinis, mushrooms, squash, potatoes, and artichokes.

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9) Add spritz of citrus

A squeeze of citrus fruit is an excellent method to neutralize any leftover bitterness and enhance the flavor of roasted vegetables.

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