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1) Reduce risk of heart disease

The leading cause of mortality in the United States is heart disease, yet eating peaches may lessen your risk of developing cardiovascular problems.

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Higher consumption of peach pigments anthocyanidins & flavonoids was associated with higher levels of good cholesterol & lower blood triglyceride levels, both of which lessen heart disease risk.

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2) LowerBreast Cancer Growth

Peach polyphenols may inhibit the growth and spread of MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells, according to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

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In fact, the authors of the study revealed that consuming just two to three peaches each day may inhibit the growth of this sort of cancer cells.

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3) Improved Digestion

If your digestive system is very sluggish, you may want to consider taking a digestive enzyme supplement. 

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Consider serving peaches next time you serve food. An average-sized peach has two grams of dietary fiber, which can aid in reviving sluggish digestion.

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4) Reduced Risk of Osteoporosis

Adding peaches to your normal diet may be sufficient to maintain your bones healthy without consuming excessive amounts of dairy. 

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A single peach contains about 6% of your daily needed potassium, which a 2020 study revealed to be advantageous for bone health and lowering osteoporosis risk.

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5) Improve symptoms of respiratory illnesses

Peaches are an excellent source of vitamin C, which may be helpful if you're prone to respiratory diseases.

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Vitamin C treatment "fared much better" than a placebo in a trial of 57 older persons with bronchitis or pneumonia, according to the study's authors.

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