Does Consuming High-Cholesterol Foods Increase Cholesterol?

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According to Healthline, cholesterol is essential for the formation of vitamin D and other crucial hormones, and it also plays a role in keeping cell membranes in good shape.

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If you eat a lot of cholesterol, your body will start making less of its own. However, if you don't eat high in cholesterol  foods, your body will still make what it needs.

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Does cholesterol foods increase it?

For many people who enjoy eating eggs but worry about their potential to raise cholesterol levels, there is no need to alter their diet.

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A study!

In a 2013 study published in Metabolism, one group of participants consumed three eggs per day, while another group consumed the equivalent amount of egg whites.

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What it says?

After 12 weeks, both groups had lower triglyceride and LDL levels and higher HDL levels. Those who ate whole eggs had higher increases in HDL and lower LDL levels.

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According to the Harvard School of Public Health, fat and carbohydrates affect cholesterol levels more than  food cholesterol.

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What you should do?

You should limit saturated fat and cut out trans fats from your diet even though high-cholesterol foods may not raise your blood cholesterol.

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What to eat?

Increasing omega-3s from salmon, walnuts, or flaxseeds can help lower blood pressure, and soluble fiber and whey protein can make your cholesterol levels more heart-friendly.

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