Foods That Will Keep Your Lungs Healthy

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1) Apples

Apples are a good source of antioxidants named quercetin, which is known to reduce inflammation in the lungs and keep the lungs healthy. 

2) Peppers

Peppers are a good source of Vitamin C, which is known to reduce inflammation in the lungs and keep them healthy. 

3) Beets

Beets have dietary nitrates which get converted into nitric oxide, which helps in better oxygen flow. This all helps the lungs work better and keeps them healthy.

4) Leafy greens

Leafy greens include swiss chard, kale, and spinach and they include Vitamin C & antioxidants which help prevent inflammation in the lungs.

5) Legumes

The fiber in legumes is the best thing for the lungs. It helps improve their function and even protects the lungs from smoking effects.

6) Tomatoes

Tomatoes have Vitamins C and an antioxidant named lycopene, which works on inflammation in the lungs & keeps them healthy. 

7) Berries

Berries are known to have anti-oxidants that are especially beneficial for the lungs. These antioxidants prevent mucus and reduce inflammation in the lungs.

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