Is It Ok To Eat Skin of Sweet Potatoes?

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Here's all you need to know about eating sweet potato skins, whether you don't mind eating them with the skin on or usually dispute if you should.

What sweet potatoes skin provide?

The skin of the potato, as opposed to the flesh of the potato, contains significantly higher amounts of the minerals.

Consider the mineral potassium. A 100-gram sweet potato with skin has 475 mg of potassium, whereas a skinless sweet potato contains only 377mg.

More Potassium

More Phosphorus

The same holds true for phosphorus: the skin contains 54 milligrams, but eating solely flesh provides 44 milligrams.

More Vitamins

Sweet potato skin, believe it or not, has more vitamins. Skinless sweet potatoes offer 9.1 mg of vitamin C. Keeping the skin on increases that to 19.6 milligrams.

Even more impressive is the fact that this orange peel is high in vitamin A, vitamin E, beta carotene, and chlorogenic acid.

More Fiber

The peel has a lot of fiber in it and is also full of vitamins. And, if you want to know the truth, eating the peel provides more fiber than eating a skinless sweet potato.

Experts observed that removing the peel reduced fiber content by 63.63 percent. Adding 2% sweet potato peel powder to cookies can increase fiber, according to a 2022 study.


So, sweet potato skins have a marginally higher nutritional value when the skin is present. And surely there are many excellent ways to enjoy it.

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