The 5 BIG Benefits of Daily ZINC INTAKE!

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Zinc is a crucial mineral that aids in basic bodily processes such as immune system function and metabolic rate.

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Humans don't require much zinc, and most of us receive enough from food. Some situations necessitate zinc supplementation.

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1) Better Immunity

Zinc aids your immune system and metabolism. Zinc lozenges or syrup taken within 24 hours of cold symptoms may shorten colds.

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2) Lowers Blood Pressure

Zinc supplementation lowers systolic blood pressure, says a 2020 meta-analysis. Animal research connected zinc deficiency to elevated blood pressure.

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3) May Heel Wounds Faster

Oral zinc supplementation may help people with skin ulcers and insufficient zinc. Zinc helps wounds heal by promoting collagen production and new skin cell growth.

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4) Makes Skin Look Younger

Dermatologists recommend zinc oxide moisturizers and sunscreens to prevent sun damage, which can lead to premature skin aging and skin cancer.

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5) Prevents Eye Disease

Zinc may reduce AMD (age-related macular degeneration), a degenerative eye disease that affects the retina.

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5) Prevents Eye Disease

The Age Related Eye Disease Study demonstrated that ingesting 80 mg of zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and copper slowed macular degeneration.

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