These Shade Plants Will Add Color to Any Dark Spot in Your Garden


Ligularia, sometimes known as "leopard plant," is a fantastic choice for any shade garden, and not just because deer don't eat it. Its stunning, purplish-red foliage." 


Hostas are an excellent choice for shady regions with moist soil. The broad-leafed beauty is mostly a foliage plant, but it can grow to be quite large. 


Spiderwort, commonly known as widow's tears, is a part-shade, not deep-shade, plant. It has a lovely blossom and can grow to be between a foot and a half and two feet tall. 

Sedum ternatum  is a perennial

While some sedums may handle some shade, Sedum ternatum, or woodland stonecrop, thrives in it. This low-growing plant, which is native to the United States.


Although these spring bloomers tolerate some sun, they prefer partial to complete shade, especially in the summer heat. Some varieties are also aromatic.

Canadense Asarum

Canadian wild ginger (Asarum canadense) is a fascinating native plant to include in your shady garden. It's a low-growing plant that prefers deep shade and moist soil. 


In early to midsummer, lacy, toothed leaves and feathery plumes of pink, white, red, or purple flowers bloom profusely. They bloom better with a little morning sun.

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